Frequently Asked Questions

Deeper connections. Healthier relationships. Stronger communities.

We think counseling, therapy, and other forms of mental health help are important parts of the mental health picture, and we want to complement, not replace, the existing campus services and student organizations that further mental health. But we want to empower people to help themselves. Our goal is to connect people with ideas, techniques, games, and experiments that they can do on their own, in the ways that work best for them.

There are already some good examples of this in our town, so we want to be both connectors and creators: connect people to fun ways that already exist to make deep connections while creating and adding some of our own.

Frequently asked

What kinds of things do you do? What services do you offer?

We’re still in the planning stages, but we’re planning several activities and services. Right now our ideas include:

  • in-person events with activities (games, creative fun, etc.) based on recent research on loneliness
  • simple ways to connect and share skills and fun
  • informal group activities like walks or bike rides
  • a group chat to discuss ideas, give support, and schedule informal get-togethers within the group
  • at the University of Florida, special support services for finals and the holidays.
Is this a group therapy session?

No. Emotionally, we’re like the ‘walk-in clinic’ rather than the doctor’s office or the hospital. We won’t shy away from emotions in our discussions, and everyone is welcome. But if you’re dealing with serious emotional trauma, our group is no substitute for a trained mental health counselor.

How much does this cost? Who is behind this?

There’s no cost. We’re just a group of UF students, advisors and citizens of Gainesville, FL who hate seeing others feeling lonely. We want to build the social infrastructure of a less lonely town!
